Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kernbach

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kernbach is Assistant Professor at the University of St. Gallen for Design and Creativity at the School of Management, where he researches, teaches, and works with various organizations. He heads the Life Design Lab at the University of St. Gallen:

He is also a Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Design at Stanford University, where he teaches the courses “Research as Design” and “Creativity in Research Scholars”. He is also visiting professor at the African Doctoral Academy at Stellenbosch University in South Africa and the Central University in Beijing.

He works with and advises various organizations, such as Swiss Re, the United Nations, the International Red Cross, Hilti, European Central Bank, LVM, and more.

Prof. Dr. Martin J. Eppler is a full professor for media and communication management at the University of St. Gallen. He researches, teaches and advises on the topics of knowledge communication, knowledge visualization, strategy, design thinking and creativity, as well as thinking tools.

He is the director of the Institute for Media and Communication Management and the academic director of the International Study MBA program at the HSG. He is the author of around 20 books and over 300 scientific articles. He is the inventor of the lets-focus visualization software, the Confluence Dynagrams, the CollabCards map set and the Synergy Map and Paths to Sucess methods. He was visiting professor in the USA, Canada, China, Finland, England and South America. For 15 years he has also been the editor of the trade journal OrganisationsEntwicklung at Handelsblatt Verlag.

Prof. Dr. Martin J. Eppler

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Life Design Lab

Institute for Media and Communications Management
University of St.Gallen


Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kernbach


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